Monday, January 18, 2010


Hey guys.  Thought I would share a few things that I can't get enough of at the moment.  Enjoy!

1.  TV.  I'm sure most of you already know that I love TV, but I am especially in love with it since all my favorite shows have started again!  The Bachelor, Project Runway, and Biggest Loser.....yup, can't get enough of them!

2.  Mint M&Ms.  Have you guys tried these???  I tried them for the first time over Christmas break and they are AMAZING.

3.  Scooter, the dog.  Scooter is my sister, Kristin's, dog.  And I suppose Shawn is also a partial owner.  But, I like to think that I am a partial owner too.  Everyone knows that he likes me the best but for now I am ok with shared custody.  Maybe in the future I will fight for full custody.  But anyway, over Christmas break Scooter stayed with me the whole time.  We went on lots of walks and runs and I miss him lots and lots.
4.  Post Secret.  Most of you probably know what this is, but for those who don't, it's this website where people send postcards with their secrets drawn or written on them.  It is very interesting, but at times can be very depressing.  I was on their blog the other night and I was reading their tour dates, and on February 10th they are coming to Amherst, MA which is only like 30 minutes away from where I live!   I really want to go.  I don't really know what the presentation would be, but I am hoping its like an inspirational speaker.  But anyway, if your bored go and check out their blog!

5. Whole Foods.  Whole foods is this awesome grocery store where they sell alot of natural and organic food.  AND they have SAMPLES!  They have a ton of interesting and different stuff so even if I don't need to buy anything, I like to go to see what kind of crazy food they have!  This past weekend I went there and I got some yummy bran muffins, some sourdough bread, and some turkey breast lunch meat.  I am going to have some good sandwiches this week :)


  1. My thoughts on your top 5-
    1. duh- what member of Team Barr doesn't love tv!
    2. they are still making those?? We looked everywhere for them since mine mysteriously disappeared!
    3. I saw Scoot this weekend, he was very depressed without you.
    4. I have nothing, might check it out.
    5. I think that it should be reworded to say " I am going to have some good sammiches this week!"

  2. First of all... SAVE THOSE MINT M&M's! I looove them so much. And I only got 2 last time around because Lexi was selfish and only left about 5 in the bag.

    I also love TV and I appreciate your love for it also. I think that it is completely healthy and normal to have that be a main priority in your life... maybe not my first priority but for sure my second priority. Thank you for the updates on the Bach last night. It was pretty stressful to know it was on and not be able to get to a TV to watch it.

    WHAT IS THIS ABOUT FILING FOR CUSTODY!? We have a healthy relationship as is... would you really want to disrupt Scooter's life by bringing that drama into it? With shared custody among you and me (and Shawn a little, we have a good situation worked out where he is exposed to different types of love from different parents. But, he does call you his best friend, so that must mean something... :)Anyways, he misses you too. I show him the picture of you guys and he wonders why no one else every wants to cuddle with him as much as you did over Christmas. And he wonders why he never gets exercise since you went back to school. But mainly he think that his hair was a little too short in that picture and he looks a too preppy for his own taste.

    I'm checking out PostSecret. I'll get back to you.

    I don't know how I feel about Whole foods. It's unnatural... for being natural...

  3. just to clarify, I did NOT take that picture of the m&ms. I just stole it from google images.
