Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holiday Break

Hey everyone. So before I get started on this post, just let me quick defend my lack of blogging. I've been super busy, and even though I have taken a ton of new pictures, I can't upload them till I get back to school. So anyway, Christmas break has been SOOO relaxing and I am definitely not even close to being ready to go back. I still have a couple of assignments to do and I also have a couple of personal projects that hopefully I will have time to do. I am getting a little frustrated with Minnesota weather though. I have such great ideas that I want to try, but it has been so cold out that if I tried a shoot outside 2 things would happen fo sho. 1. My model would get really super cold and then not have a good experience. 2. My lighting kit battery would die twice as fast. Well anyway, I will leave you with a picture that I just adore.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

lazy sunday

Hey everybody. Everybody=my 2 followers.

Today was one of those days where you just don't want to get out of bed. Good thing I really didn't have anything I needed to get done.

As the days till Christmas break get closer, the more homesick I get! I am soooo looking forward to REAL food. I have ate crackers for too many meals lately :(

Tonight I am going to start season one of Gossip Girl. I'm pretty excited and I hope I get super addicted to it. I need a new show obsession.

So here is the picture of the day:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

look who got a bloggggg :)

So this is officially my first blog. I have yet to tell anyone that I have a blog but my goal for this week is to get 5 followers :)

And since a post is always better with a picture......